Custom Surfboard Pricing and Options
Balsa, Agave Cactus boards start at $2000.00.
There are many, many, more options. Too many to list,
For more information, call for Info.
- Shortboards, Rocket Fishes, and Fishes: up to 6' 6" Clear - $495
6' 7" to 7' Clear - $510
Classic Fishes add $15
up to 7' - $550
up to 9' 0" - $600
Fun Shapes: Up to 7' 2" Clear - $550
7' 3" to 7' 11" Clear - $600
Longboards: 8' 0" to 8' 6" Clear - $600
8' 7" to 9' 2" Clear - $695
9' 3" to 9' 6" Clear - $720
9' 7" to 10' 0" Clear - $800
Over 10' - Call for Estimate
All long boards come with side bites and single box.- Single fin models minus $ 25.00
- EPS / Epoxy Construction up to 6' 6" - $545
Funshapes - $605
Longboards up to 9' - $685
Extra Options: Gloss and polish - $100
Air Brush - Basic 1 side color $30 | two sides - same color $35
Mulitiple tape off with color changes,etc. - $40. and by estimate
Graphic designs, Posca art drawings by estimate. (my cost is your cost with no mark up!)
Resin tint per side - $50 | Resin acid splash - $55
Cloth inlay (nose panel, comp. stripe or band) - $30
Cloth inlay (3/4 panel or full deck) - $50
Long board glass on fin - $15
Resin Pin Lines - $30 per line/color change
Tail Blocks - $30/each
Extra Stringers - $50/each
6oz. Volan Cloth - $20/side
8oz. Volan Cloth - $25/side
10 oz. Volan Cloth - $30/side
Shortboard or Fish Glass on fins - $15
Fish classic wooden keel fin - $55/set
Quad fins - $25, includes fins
Five fin "convertible" - $30 extra and comes with quad fin set
Balsa, Agave Cactus boards start at $2000.00.
There are many, many, more options. Too many to list,
For more information, call for Info.